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BVibrant Midlife Transformation

A 6-Month Journey to Uncover Root Causes & Unleash Your Best Self


Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the effects of perimenopause or menopause, and ready to uncover the root causes that are holding you back from feeling your best self?

Do you want to optimize your hormones, shed excess weight, and regain your energy so you can feel like yourself again?

You don't have to go through this alone. As a Midlife Practitioner specializing in perimenopause and menopause, I'm here to guide you on a 6-month journey towards optimal health.

With my comprehensive approach to nutrition and lifestyle, we'll go beyond the foundations and uncover the deeper root causes that are impacting your health during this transitional phase.

During our initial session, we'll conduct a thorough review of your health history, nutritional questionnaire, root cause signs & symptoms questionnaire, and food and mood journal assessment to identify the main areas of concern and develop an individualized protocol that meets your specific needs. We'll also perform virtual muscle testing to determine how we can support your body effectively.

Our 6-month journey will include six follow-up consultations- one per month, where we'll revisit and revise your concerns, goals, and priorities. We'll review your progress, perform virtual muscle testing, and provide updated bio-individual food, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations. We will also meet once a month for a group educational call. On these calls clients can expect their questions to be answered and for us to take deeper dives into concepts that are crucial to their midlife journey. You'll have access to professional supplement lines and resources for lifestyle and dietary support, as well as unlimited email support.

Each client will start with a Creating Balanced Health Scan and then depending each individual need we will follow up with Functional Blood Chemistry, GI Map test, Dutch Testing or other testing as determined on an individual basis. These tests help us further uncover root causes and tailor our approach to your unique needs.

But the transformation doesn't end there. As you implement the changes we develop together, you'll begin to notice significant improvements in your health and well-being. You'll have more energy, better mood, and a renewed sense of vitality. You'll feel more in control of your body and your life. And most importantly, you'll have the tools and knowledge to continue thriving long after our work together is done.

Don't wait to start your transformational journey to uncover root causes and unlock your best self during midlife.

What’s included?

Initial Consultation

60-90 minutes

Assessment of health history, nutritional questionnaire, root cause signs & symptoms questionnaire, food and mood journal assessment

Review your wellness concerns, goals, and priorities

Perform virtual muscle testing to determine how we can support your body effectively

Provide you with bio-individual food, supplement and lifestyle recommendations

6 follow up consultations (1 follow-up consultations per month):

30-60 minutes each consultation

Revisit and revise concerns, goals, and priorities

Review progress

Perform virtual muscle testing

Provide updated bio-individual food, supplement and lifestyle recommendations

6 Group Educational Calls (1/ month)

Access to professional supplement lines

Resources for lifestyle + dietary support

Packages include unlimited email support

Why 6 months?

Addressing health from a root-cause perspective takes time + commitment

What’s the cost?

BVibrant offers the 6-month package for $1,800 when you pay up front, OR you can make monthly payments of $400/month in 6 installments.

What’s not included?

Cost of functional labs + supplements